1.     Hi!
2.     I am Philip Cheng, Zero Point Energy.
3.     The concept of “Zero Point Energy” was first proposed by Albert Einstein in 1913 to describe the lowest possible energy. This is the most foundational state of all matter and it is the energy that makes up humans, plants, animals, and the earth, which Connects All of Us.
4.     Quantum Physics reveals that EVERYTHING in the universe is ENERGY. All living organisms have a field of energy surrounding them called the bio-energetic field. Science has now created various methods of both photographing this field as well as measuring it. When the bio-energetic field is distorted or “disorganized” from the interference that we encounter in our everyday lives, it can immediately affect our strength, flexibility and BALANCE. If left unchecked, it will lead to pain or Illness.
5.     The Main Interferences that causes us to be OFF-BALANCE and not at Optimum State are : Stress, Taking Unhealthy Food, Lack of Exercise and Radiation especially Cell Phones, Computers and Wifi.
6.     These are Scientifically Based Products are not magic and they do not “heal” anything. What they do, is they Introduce Zero Point Energy into the body and the body “remembers” the Original Source Energy that it came from and, the body begins to repair itself. It Relieves Pain and "Trapped Emotions". It BALANCES Itself and Gains Strength Immediately. Once we are Balanced, we  are at Optimum State, Our Mind becomes Clear and Sharp, Our Actions and Decisions are Precise. When balanced, we do not fall easily, which is especially important to elderly people.
7.     To Understand our Products Better, I need to do a Live Demonstration (Instant Pain Relief and Instant Balance Strength Test) to let you feel the immediate effect of Zero Point Energy Without any Obligations.
8.    I need to Book an Appointment for YOU. Tomorrow I have 2 slots available, 2pm and 4pm whichever Time You Prefer.

Quantum  Physics  Reveals  that  EVERYTHING  in  the  Universe  is  ENERGY.

Amized  Fusion  Technology  also  known  as  "Zero  Point  Energy"  was  first  proposed  by  Albert  Einstein  in  1913  to  describe  the  Lowest  Possible  Energy.

AMWand  -  Blood  Analysis  ( Scientifically  Based  Products  Not  Black  Magic ).

AMWand  -  Glass  of  Air  Video  Demo.

AMWand  -  Self Wanding  Video  Demo.

AMWand  -  Experiences.

      AMWand  -  Product  Overview.                         AMPendent  -  Proudct  Overview.